
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

4 1/2 months

Stephen went in for his 4 month check. He's actually 4 1/2 months old but our Dr. appt got delayed a little. 
His stats:
Weight: 13lbs 13oz (18%ile)
Height: 26" long (77%ile)
Head: 16.5" around (30%ile)
Dr. Austin is not concerned about him being in the 18%ile in weight. He says he is growing at a good rate and there is nothing alarming him about his weight. 
We do have some things to work on. We are already working on the flat spot on his head. I believe some improvement has been made on it.
I have been working and getting it rounded out. Dr. Austin is ok keeping and eye on it right now and reevaluating it at the next appointment. He gave us some good tips on how to fix it, so hopefully we get it taken care of before he turns a year old. 
He also wants us to get away from the swaddle. We use it at night and it really helps him sleep through most of the night. We took to swaddle away Friday night. Let's just say it was a rough night! He normally wakes up at around 3am and then again at 5:30-6am. Friday night he woke up at least 6 times, but I think it was probably actually 7-8 times. Saturday evening was a little better. He woke up 4-5 times. So, hopefully tonight is back to normal. 
Dr. Austin wants us to wait until at least 6 months before introducing solid foods. I am okay with this, due to the fact that Daddy was so allergic to food as a baby. Stephen is beginning to get interested in us eating. He follows our spoon/fork to our mouth and even began mimicking me chewing today. 1 1/2 more months and he will get to start eating!! Yay!! 
After his checkup he had to get shot. Boo!! I don't like this part (like any mother does) He got 3 shots and 1 oral vaccine. He loves the oral. He also loves Infant Tylenol. He didn't so too bad with the shots. He cried a little and stopped. But, then saw the nurse and had a bit of a melt down. So, they let us go in a room and nurse. That helped a lot!! (Mommy and baby!!) 
After that, we went home and napped a little. 
         Snuggling after Stephen's Dr. 

Sleeping without a swaddle for the first time!!

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